Skin Consultation form for Coolite Hair removal and Skin Rejuvenation laser treatments.

Please note a compulsory  patch test must be carried out at least 48 hrs beforehand for laser hair removal.Please contact the salon directly to book your patch test appointment.
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GP Details

Do you suffer from any of the following conditions

Any skin conditions being treated by a Dermatologist?
Medical Odema
Recent operations
Bells Palsy
Inflamed nerves of the face
Acute Rheumatism
Autoimmune disease
Please note if you suffer from any of the above conditions you must get a letter from your doctor clearing you for treatment.


The following contraindications may restrict treatment please answer yes or no to the following
Contagious diseases
Any drugs or medication that may thin the skin
Contraceptive pill
Any heart conditions
Are you taking any blood thinners
Herpes (cold sore virus)
Recent sunburn
False tan application in the last 2 weeks
Melasma, Vitiligo or dark Moles
Any metal pins or plates
Loss of skin sensitivity
Have you used any Vit A products for eg retinoids in the last 2 weeks
Have you been on antibiotics or steroids in the last 2 weeks
Have you had any botox or fillers in the last 2 weeks
Have you had any IPL, Laser or Peels in the last 4 weeks

Only applicable for hair removal

Have you had any other forms of hair removal in the last 6 weeks?
For example: waxing, threading or plucking?
Clear Signature